diff --git a/common/http.interceptor.js b/common/http.interceptor.js
index 40204f9..c8d9ccf 100644
--- a/common/http.interceptor.js
+++ b/common/http.interceptor.js
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ const install = (Vue, vm) => {
// },
// });
- // baseUrl: '',
- baseUrl: 'https://znb.ccttiot.com/prod-api/',
+ baseUrl: '',
+ // baseUrl: '',
loadingText: '努力加载中~',
loadingTime: 800,
// 设置自定义头部content-type
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ const install = (Vue, vm) => {
// 方式四,如果token放在了Storage本地存储中,拦截是每次请求都执行的
// 所以哪怕您重新登录修改了Storage,下一次的请求将会是最新值
- // const token = uni.getStorageSync('token');
+ const token = uni.getStorageSync('token');
- const token = " eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJsb2dpbl91c2VyX2tleSI6IjY2ODhkNGE3LWM1MzctNGE2Mi1hMGNlLWIwOWUyZjhjOWM5OCJ9.umR5ryK0CA8zrnq04XBj21-Z-yaOwQ3oCv1cYga2bo6I-CAvR_WVM-wn9h8ZaJGqYpLhU6wdxjlD78y1coNWFg"
+ // const token = " eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJsb2dpbl91c2VyX2tleSI6IjY2ODhkNGE3LWM1MzctNGE2Mi1hMGNlLWIwOWUyZjhjOWM5OCJ9.umR5ryK0CA8zrnq04XBj21-Z-yaOwQ3oCv1cYga2bo6I-CAvR_WVM-wn9h8ZaJGqYpLhU6wdxjlD78y1coNWFg"
// console.log("我是token", token)
config.header.Authorization = token;
diff --git a/manifest.json b/manifest.json
index d273adc..471ff5b 100644
--- a/manifest.json
+++ b/manifest.json
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
/* 小程序特有相关 */
"mp-weixin" : {
"libVersion" : "latest",
- "appid" : "wx3914d4d7441fb438",
+ "appid" : "wxe092159cf34ef21a",
"setting" : {
"urlCheck" : false
diff --git a/page_user/user_set.vue b/page_user/user_set.vue
index b72f094..2f505f5 100644
--- a/page_user/user_set.vue
+++ b/page_user/user_set.vue
@@ -12,8 +12,74 @@
+ 每隔 天/次 除螨工作
+ 保护设置
+ 电量保护(%)
+ 电量少于 加热板/风扇停止工作
+ 加热(℃)
+ 箱外温度低于 加热板工作
+ 箱内高于箱外 加热板停止工作
+ 风扇(℃)
+ 箱内温度高于 风扇工作
+ 箱内温度降到 风扇停止工作
+ CO₂浓度高于 风扇工作
+ CO₂浓度低于 风扇停止工作
+ 震动通知
+ 单次震动
+ 持续震动
+ 重置
+ 保存
@@ -25,6 +91,7 @@
backgroundColor: " #F4FAF8",
title: "设置",
+ code:''
@@ -35,7 +102,7 @@
methods: {
@@ -50,35 +117,113 @@
// position: relative;
width: 750rpx;
padding: 40rpx;
- .tit{
+ .btn_box{
+ margin-top: 136rpx;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
align-items: center;
- image{
+ .btns{
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: center;
+ width: 322rpx;
+ height: 88rpx;
+ background: #FFF5D6;
+ border-radius: 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx;
+ border: 2rpx solid #FFC107;
+ font-weight: 500;
+ font-size: 32rpx;
+ color: #FFC107;
+ }
+ .btn1{
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: center;
+ margin-left: 30rpx;
+ width: 322rpx;
+ height: 88rpx;
+ background: #FFCC25;
+ border-radius: 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx;
+ font-weight: 500;
+ font-size: 32rpx;
+ color: #3D3D3D;
+ }
+ }
+ .tit {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-wrap: nowrap;
+ align-items: center;
+ image {
margin-right: 22rpx;
width: 52rpx;
height: 52rpx;
font-weight: 600;
font-size: 36rpx;
color: #3D3D3D;
- .tit1{
+ .tit1 {
margin-top: 32rpx;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
align-items: center;
- image{
+ image {
margin-right: 18rpx;
width: 46rpx;
height: 46rpx;
font-weight: 400;
font-size: 32rpx;
color: #3D3D3D;
+ .set_li {
+ margin-top: 34rpx;
+ margin-left: 104rpx;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-wrap: nowrap;
+ align-items: center;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ font-size: 32rpx;
+ color: #808080;
+ .ipt_box {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: center;
+ margin: 0 16rpx;
+ // width: 98rpx;
+ height: 88rpx;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+ box-shadow: 0rpx 0rpx 8rpx 0rpx rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
+ border-radius: 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx;
+ .ips {
+ margin-left: 15rpx;
+ width: 100rpx;
+ }
+ .my-placeholder {
+ font-weight: 400;
+ font-size: 32rpx;
+ color: #808080;
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pages/Apiary/AddApiary.vue b/pages/Apiary/AddApiary.vue
index 80346b9..67631e8 100644
--- a/pages/Apiary/AddApiary.vue
+++ b/pages/Apiary/AddApiary.vue
@@ -37,16 +37,19 @@
@@ -64,7 +67,7 @@
code: '',
fengzhongcolumns: [
- []
miyuancolumns: [
@@ -99,16 +102,88 @@
lng: 0,
address: '',
- upurl:''
+ userImgs: '',
+ token: '',
+ sn:'',
+ upurl:'https://api.ccttiot.com/'
onLoad() {
onShow() {
+ this.getQiniuToken()
+ this.getfengzhongcolumns()
+ this.getmiyuancolumns()
methods: {
+ getQiniuToken() {
+ this.$u.get("/common/qiniu/uploadInfo").then((res) => {
+ if (res.code == 200) {
+ this.token=res.token
+ }
+ });
+ // this.$u.get('https://v2.ielts.langsi.online/file/getToken').then(res => {
+ // console.log(res.data);
+ // this.token = res.data.token
+ // }).catch(err => {
+ // console.log(err)
+ // })
+ },
+ getfengzhongcolumns() {
+ let data ={
+ dictType:'apiary_bee_type'
+ }
+ this.$u.get("/common/getDictByType?",data).then((res) => {
+ if (res.code == 200) {
+ this.fengzhongcolumns = res.data.map(item => ({
+ value: item.dictValue,
+ label: item.dictLabel
+ }));
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ getmiyuancolumns() {
+ let data ={
+ dictType:'apiary_honey_type'
+ }
+ this.$u.get("/common/getDictByType?",data).then((res) => {
+ if (res.code == 200) {
+ this.miyuancolumns = res.data.map(item => ({
+ value: item.dictValue,
+ label: item.dictLabel
+ }));
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ addApiary(){
+ let data ={
+ }
+ this.$u.get('/farm/apiary',data ).then((res) => {
+ if (res.code === 200) {
+ uni.navigateBack({
+ delta: 1 // delta值为1时表示返回的页面层数
+ });
+ } else {
+ uni.showToast({
+ title: res.msg,
+ icon: 'none',
+ duration: 2000
+ });
+ }
+ })
+ },
btn() {
let _this = this
let math = 'static/' + _this.$u.guid(20)
diff --git a/pages/Beehive.vue b/pages/Beehive.vue
index 1603d4f..1d00fdd 100644
--- a/pages/Beehive.vue
+++ b/pages/Beehive.vue
@@ -203,6 +203,11 @@
this.curtitidx = e.detail.current
// console.log(e, 'aaaa');
+ addApiary(){
+ uni.navigateTo({
+ url:'/page_Beehive/add_Beehive'
+ })
+ }
diff --git a/pages/index/index.vue b/pages/index/index.vue
index 2386c29..9378400 100644
--- a/pages/index/index.vue
+++ b/pages/index/index.vue
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
@@ -23,24 +23,90 @@
+ 当前还没有添加蜂场哦,点击跳转添加蜂场
+ 近7天蜜蜂总出勤变化
+ 近7天蜂箱总重量变化
@@ -51,7 +117,7 @@
- 电量不足
+ 出勤异常
@@ -59,7 +125,7 @@
- 电量不足
+ 重量异常
@@ -67,7 +133,7 @@
- 电量不足
+ 温度异常
@@ -75,7 +141,7 @@
- 电量不足
+ 湿度异常
@@ -83,13 +149,13 @@
- 电量不足
+ 声音异常
@@ -121,146 +187,316 @@
loading: '努力加载中',
nomore: '实在没有了'
- curtitidx: 1,
+ curtitidx: 0,
swiperHeight: 426,
activeSwiperHeight: 500, // 激活的swiper高度
- swiperItems: [1, 2, 3], // Placeholder for swiper items
+ swiperItems: [1, 2, ], // Placeholder for swiper items
+ numdata:[],
+ haveApiary:true
onShow() {
+ this.ishave()
+ // setTimeout(() => {
+ // this.$refs.canvas4.init(this.initChart4)
+ // }, 200);
onPullDownRefresh() {
methods: {
+ addApiary(){
+ uni.navigateTo({
+ url:'/pages/Apiary/AddApiary'
+ })
+ },
+ ishave(){
+ let data ={
+ pageNum:1,
+ pageSize:0
+ }
+ this.$u.get('/farm/apiary/list?',data ).then((res) => {
+ if (res.code === 200) {
+ if(res.total>1){
+ this.getnum()
+ }else{
+ this.haveApiary=false
+ }
+ } else {
+ uni.showToast({
+ title: res.msg,
+ icon: 'none',
+ duration: 2000
+ });
+ }
+ })
+ },
swiperchange(e) {
this.curtitidx = e.detail.current
// console.log(e, 'aaaa');
- initChart(canvas, width, height, canvasDpr) {
+ getnum(){
+ const currentDate = new Date();
+ // 获取前七天的日期
+ const sevenDaysAgoDate = new Date();
+ sevenDaysAgoDate.setDate(currentDate.getDate() - 7);
+ // 格式化日期为 'YYYY-MM-DD'
+ const formatDate = (date) => {
+ const year = date.getFullYear();
+ const month = (date.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0');
+ const day = date.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0');
+ return `${year}-${month}-${day}`;
+ };
+ const currentDateString = formatDate(currentDate);
+ const sevenDaysAgoDateString = formatDate(sevenDaysAgoDate);
+ // 赋值给 data 中的 dateRange
+ let data = {
+ dateRange: `${sevenDaysAgoDateString},${currentDateString}`
+ };
+ this.$u.get('/farmer/report/ioCount?',data ).then((res) => {
+ if (res.code === 200) {
+ this.numdata=res.data
+ this.$refs.canvas3.init(this.initChart4)
+ } else {
+ uni.showToast({
+ title: res.msg,
+ icon: 'none',
+ duration: 2000
+ });
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ // 进出量
+ initChart4(canvas, width, height, canvasDpr) {
let that = this
- console.log(canvas, width, height, canvasDpr)
- let value = 100;
- let value2 = this.deviceInfo.totalElectriQuantity
const option = {
- // backgroundColor:"#061740",
- // title: {
- // show: false,
- // text: `历史请求满意度`, // 图表标题
- // x: 'center',
- // y: '20',
- // textStyle: {
- // color: '#333', //'#fff',
- // fontSize: 20,
- // },
- // },
- series: [{
- type: 'pie', // 饼图类型
- radius: ['98%', '70%'], // 饼图半径,第一个值是内半径,第二个值是外半径
- silent: true,
- clockwise: true,
- startAngle: 90, // 起始角度
- z: 0,
- zlevel: 0,
- data: [{
- value: value,
- name: '占比', // 数据项名称
- itemStyle: {
- normal: {
- color: '#8883F0', // 数据项颜色
- },
- },
- label: {
- normal: {
- position: 'center',
- formatter: ` {a|${value2}}\n\n{b|剩余电量}`, // 标签内容格式
- rich: {
- a: {
- fontSize: 15,
- fontWeight: '700',
- color: '#333',
- },
- b: {
- fontSize: 11,
- color: '#888',
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- // {
- // value: 100 - value2,
- // name: '',
- // label: {
- // normal: {
- // show: false,
- // },
- // },
- // itemStyle: {
- // normal: {
- // color: '#173164',
- // },
- // },
- // },
- ],
+ grid: {
+ left: '4%',
+ right: '4%',
+ bottom: '3%',
+ top: '4%',
+ containLabel: true
+ },
+ xAxis: {
+ show: true,
+ type: 'category',
+ boundaryGap: false,
+ axisLine: {
+ show: false // 隐藏X轴线
- // {
- // type: 'gauge', // 仪表盘类型
- // radius: '130%', // 仪表盘半径,占图表容器的百分比
- // center: ['50%', '50%'], // 仪表盘中心位置
- // startAngle: 359,
- // endAngle: 359.9,
- // splitNumber: 2, // 刻度分割段数
- // hoverAnimation: true,
- // axisTick: {
- // show: true, // 是否显示刻度线
- // length: 10, // 刻度线长度
- // lineStyle: {
- // color: 'auto',
- // width: 1,
- // },
- // },
- // splitLine: {
- // length: 0, // 刻度线分隔线长度
- // lineStyle: {
- // width: 1,
- // color: '#061740',
- // },
- // },
- // axisLabel: {
- // show: false, // 是否显示刻度标签
- // },
- // pointer: {
- // show: false, // 是否显示指针
- // },
- // axisLine: {
- // lineStyle: {
- // opacity: 0,
- // },
- // },
- // detail: {
- // show: false, // 是否显示仪表盘详情
- // },
- // data: [{
- // value: 0,
- // name: '',
- // }, ],
- // },
- ],
+ axisTick: {
+ show: false // 隐藏X轴刻度
+ },
+ axisLabel: {
+ show: false // 隐藏X轴标签
+ },
+ axisLabel: {
+ show: true,
+ color: '#ccc',
+ fontSize: 11,
+ rotate: 0,
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ show: false,
+ },
+ // data: that.chartday,
+ },
+ yAxis: {
+ show: true,
+ axisLine: {
+ show: false,
+ },
+ axisTick: {
+ show: false,
+ },
+ axisLabel: {
+ show: true,
+ color: '#ccc',
+ fontSize: 11,
+ formatter: function(value) {
+ // 保留两位小数,没有小数时显示00
+ return value + '只'
+ },
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ show: true, // 显示X轴网格线
+ lineStyle: {
+ type: 'dashed', // 设置网格线为虚线
+ color: '#ccc', // 可以设置虚线的颜色
+ width: 1 // 可以设置虚线的宽度
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ visualMap: {
+ type: 'piecewise',
+ show: false,
+ dimension: 0,
+ seriesIndex: 0,
+ pieces: [{
+ gt: 1,
+ lt: 3,
+ color: 'RGBA(255, 241, 201, 1)',
+ },
+ {
+ gt: 5,
+ lt: 7,
+ color: 'RGBA(255, 241, 201, 1)',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ series: [{
+ type: 'line',
+ smooth: 0.6,
+ symbol: 'none',
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: '#FFE28C',
+ width: 4,
+ },
+ areaStyle: {
+ normal: {
+ color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
+ offset: 0,
+ color: '#FFF1C9'
+ }, ]),
+ },
+ },
+ data: that.numdata.map(item => item.value),
+ }],
chart = echarts.init(canvas, null, {
width: width,
height: height,
devicePixelRatio: canvasDpr
- console.log(chart);
- // option.series[0].data = that.chartData
+ canvas.setChart(chart)
+ chart.setOption(option)
+ return chart
+ },
+ //重量
+ initChart3(canvas, width, height, canvasDpr) {
+ let that = this
+ const option = {
+ grid: {
+ left: '2%',
+ right: '10%',
+ bottom: '3%',
+ top: '4%',
+ containLabel: true
+ },
+ xAxis: {
+ show: true,
+ type: 'category',
+ boundaryGap: false,
+ axisLine: {
+ show: false // 隐藏X轴线
+ },
+ axisTick: {
+ show: false // 隐藏X轴刻度
+ },
+ axisLabel: {
+ show: false // 隐藏X轴标签
+ },
+ axisLabel: {
+ show: true,
+ color: '#ccc',
+ fontSize: 11,
+ rotate: 0,
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ show: false,
+ },
+ // data: that.chartday,
+ // data: that.numdata.map(item => item.date)
+ },
+ yAxis: {
+ show: true,
+ axisLine: {
+ show: false,
+ },
+ axisTick: {
+ show: false,
+ },
+ axisLabel: {
+ show: true,
+ color: '#ccc',
+ fontSize: 11,
+ formatter: function(value) {
+ // 保留两位小数,没有小数时显示00
+ return value + 'Kg'
+ },
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ show: true, // 显示X轴网格线
+ lineStyle: {
+ type: 'dashed', // 设置网格线为虚线
+ color: '#ccc', // 可以设置虚线的颜色
+ width: 1 // 可以设置虚线的宽度
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ visualMap: {
+ type: 'piecewise',
+ show: false,
+ dimension: 0,
+ seriesIndex: 0,
+ pieces: [{
+ gt: 1,
+ lt: 3,
+ color: 'RGBA(255, 241, 201, 1)',
+ },
+ {
+ gt: 5,
+ lt: 7,
+ color: 'RGBA(255, 241, 201, 1)',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ series: [{
+ type: 'line',
+ smooth: 0.6,
+ symbol: 'none',
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: '#FFE28C',
+ width: 4,
+ },
+ areaStyle: {
+ normal: {
+ color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
+ offset: 0,
+ color: '#FFF1C9'
+ }, ]),
+ },
+ },
+ data: that.numdata.map(item => item.value),
+ }],
+ };
+ chart = echarts.init(canvas, null, {
+ width: width,
+ height: height,
+ devicePixelRatio: canvasDpr
+ })
return chart
@@ -289,7 +525,26 @@
height: 870rpx;
+ .no_cont {
+ margin: 500rpx auto 0;
+ width: 432rpx;
+ .img {
+ image {
+ width: 432rpx;
+ height: 432rpx;
+ }
+ }
+ .txt {
+ margin-top: 50rpx;
+ width: 100%;
+ text-align: center;
+ font-weight: 500;
+ font-size: 32rpx;
+ color: #808080;
+ }
+ }
.info_cont {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
@@ -301,23 +556,27 @@
background: #FFFFFF;
box-shadow: 0rpx 0rpx 8rpx 0rpx rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
border-radius: 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx;
- .cont:nth-child(3n){
+ .cont:nth-child(3n) {
margin-right: 0rpx;
- .cont{
+ .cont {
margin-right: 100rpx;
width: 96rpx;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: center;
- .cont_top{
+ .cont_top {
font-weight: 400;
font-size: 24rpx;
color: #808080;
- .cont_bot{
+ .cont_bot {
margin-top: 4rpx;
width: 96rpx;
text-align: center;
@@ -329,38 +588,96 @@
.warp_box {
- margin-top: 128rpx;
- .swiper {
- .swiper-item {
+ margin-top: 128rpx;
+ .swiper {
+ .swiper-item {
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: center;
+ transition: height 0.3s ease-in-out;
+ &.active {
+ height: 500rpx; // 激活状态的高度
+ }
+ &:not(.active) {
+ height: 426rpx; // 非激活状态的高度
+ }
+ .card_box {
display: flex;
- justify-content: center;
- transition: height 0.3s ease-in-out;
- &.active {
- height: 500rpx; // 激活状态的高度
- }
- &:not(.active) {
- height: 426rpx; // 非激活状态的高度
- }
- .card_box {
- display: flex;
- flex-wrap: wrap;
- .card {
- width: 638rpx;
- image {
- width: 638rpx;
- height: 428rpx;
+ flex-wrap: wrap;
+ .card {
+ padding: 18rpx;
+ width: 638rpx;
+ height: 426rpx;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+ box-shadow: 0rpx 0rpx 8rpx 0rpx rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
+ border-radius: 28rpx 28rpx 28rpx 28rpx;
+ .card_top {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ .top_left {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ font-size: 36rpx;
+ color: #3D3D3D;
+ image {
+ margin-right: 24rpx;
+ margin-left: 28rpx;
+ width: 25.03rpx;
+ height: 34rpx;
+ }
+ }
+ .top_cont {
+ width: 33.33%;
+ text-align: center;
+ font-weight: 600;
+ font-size: 36rpx;
+ color: #3D3D3D;
+ }
+ .top_right {
+ margin-left: auto;
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ .txt {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ flex-wrap: nowrap;
+ margin-left: auto;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ font-size: 32rpx;
+ color: #4D4D4D;
+ .icon-xiangyou1 {
+ margin-top: 4rpx;
+ margin-left: 8rpx;
+ }
+ }
+ .echarts {
+ margin-top: 24rpx;
+ width: 100%;
+ // height: 80%;
+ height: 344rpx;
+ }
+ }
.tipbox {
width: 300rpx;
diff --git a/pages/login/login.vue b/pages/login/login.vue
index a2b9600..92e8013 100644
--- a/pages/login/login.vue
+++ b/pages/login/login.vue
@@ -1,15 +1,42 @@
+ 请选择您的身份
+ 养蜂人
+ 认养用户
+ 确定
- 欢迎来到e租居
@@ -22,7 +49,7 @@
@@ -44,11 +71,24 @@
- usertype:'',
- login:false
+ type:0,
+ login:false,
+ ischeck:false,
methods: {
+ chck(){
+ if(this.type==0){
+ uni.showToast({
+ title: '请先选择身份',
+ icon: 'none',
+ duration: 1000
+ });
+ }else{
+ this.ischeck=true
+ }
+ },
@@ -68,9 +108,10 @@
if (res.code) {
console.log('登录!', res);
let data = {
- wxOpenId: res.code,
- userType: that.usertype,
+ loginCode: res.code,
+ userType: that.type,
mobileCode: e.detail.code,
+ deptId:100,
} else {
@@ -95,7 +136,13 @@
wx.setStorageSync('token', res.token);
- }
+ }else{
+ uni.showToast({
+ title: res.code,
+ icon: 'none',
+ duration: 1000
+ });
+ }
@@ -118,62 +165,98 @@